- Illustrations should be large and clear to be reproduced neatly.
- All Tables, Figures and illustrations should be numbered in Arabic numerals (1,2,3 etc) in the order they are referred in the text.
References should be written in the following style:
In text : Brown(1934), Brown &Brown (1967),Brown et.al.(1978)
Research paper: Brown, P.(1978). Effects of chemical mutagens on germination of wheat seed. Journal of Biodiversity and Ecology, 28:234-238.
Book: Hoy,M.A.(2003).Insect Molecular Genetics. An introduction to principles and applications. Academic press /Elsevier,San Diego,C.A.
Ph.D Thesis: Baxi, J.P.(2011)Ethnobotanical and Pharmacognostic Studies in the Flora of Washim District.S.G.B.Amravati University,Amravati.
Website: Research at IDRL.http://www.idrl.org./research.html